Supported by a grant from Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, in the frame of the Green Industry Innovation Programme
PROJECT: Technology for Offshore Waste Management
Contract No. 2014/113325
Project Outcome: Realization of business opportunities of greening the European economy
Project Outputs, amended as of budget reallocation from December 2015:
- 1. Offshore integrated waste management services delivered through a higher technical capacity by the procurement of 100 containers (mud skips), 1 trailer, 1 tractor with accessories, 1 high-pressure pump with accessories, 1 high-pressure pump and 1 outside bundle cleaner
- Creation of new 11 green jobs
- Preserving the 216 existing green jobs
Total value of the Project: 1.340.617 Euro, out of which investment: 1.307.217 Euro
Grant value: 541.500 Euro (40,39%)
Duration: until 30.04.2016
Programme Information:
The Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania is a Programme area under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 (Norway Grants) and shall contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA) and to strengthen the bilateral relations between Norway and Romania.
The Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania is a business development Programme aiming to increase competitiveness of green enterprises, including greening of existing industries, green innovation and green entrepreneurship.
The Programme Operator is Innovation Norway, a state owned entity under the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Norwegian County Municipalities.
For further information on the Programme please visit the dedicated website For further information on the EEA and Norway Grants please visit, and
Press release: Launch of Project
Invitation to event: Technology for Offshore Waste Management
Call for submission of a tender: Trailer
Supply Contract award notice: Trailer
Equipment delivered: Trailer
Call for submission of a tender: Mud Skips
Supply Contract award notice: Mud Skips
Equipment delivered: Mud Skips
Call for submission of a tender: Tractor with accessories
Procurement procedure resume notification: Tractor with accessories
Call for submission of a tender (re-opened): Tractor with accessories
Supply Contract award notice: Tractor with accessories
Equipment delivered: Tractor with accessories
Equipment delivered: Tractor with accessories
Call for submission of a tender: Mobile ADR abroll containers
Procurement procedure resume notification: Mobile ADR abroll containers
Call for submission of a tender (re-opened): Mobile ADR abroll containers
Supply Contract award notice: Mobile ADR abroll containers
Equipment delivered: Mobile ADR abroll containers
Call for submission of a tender: High-pressure pump with accessories
Delivered: High-pressure pump with accessories
Call for submission of a tender: High-pressure pump
Supply Contract award notice: High-pressure pump with accessories
Supply Contract award notice: High-pressure pump
Call for submission of a tender: Outside bundle cleaner
Procurement procedure resume notification: Outside bundle cleaner
Call for submission of a tender (re-opened): Outside bundle cleaner
Supply Contract award notice: Outside bundle cleaner
Equipment delivered: Outside bundle cleaner
Invitation: end-project conference